The goal of Charlotte Court Inc. is to increase positive support systems for at risk youth in Lexington, KY. This will be accomplished by hosting afterschool and summer programs that will focus on academics, athletics, and wellness. Charlotte Court will provide tutoring programs and educational supports in order to increase academic achievement, mentoring programs to help strengthen social and leadership skills, and fitness classes to improve overall wellness, physically and mentally. Charlotte Court will promote cultural awareness and increase civic engagement by participating in diverse experiences and community service events.
88 Went to college
3 Worked after HS graduation (no college)
76 Played ball in college
Web Designer86%
12 Went to college but didn't play ball
20 Earned a college degree
47 Are still in college
Positive Changes
Although basketball is an important component of Charlotte Court, it is not the only component. One thing we are proud of is the after school and summer programs we have implemented over the years. In these programs, we target elementary and middle school students who struggle academically, behaviorally, and/or socially. Many of these students come from single home families and/or low income households. Without the support of sponsors and donors, the majority of these students would not be able to participate in the programs.